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3,444 lines
Last updated on: 16-10-1994
written by Jurgen Valks
mail me for futher updates: j.valks@sbos.nl
Make a choice
This file contains all the commands of the following libraries:
= T R A C K D I S K L I B R A R Y =
(C)1994 Reflective Images
Written by Steve Matty.
You can do whatever the hell you like to this library but must still
give me some credit!
Command List :
Command : OpenDisk
Modes : Amiga
Syntax : success=OpenDisk(unit#)
This attempts to open unit 'unit#' of the trackdisk.device, for use with
the other commands in this library. A return value of 0 indicates
failure, -1 indicates success.
Statement : MotorOn
Modes : Amiga
Syntax : MotorOn unit#
This attempts to switch the drive motor on of the previously opened
trackdisk unit (called with OpenDisk). You must call this command
before attempting to ReadSector/WriteSector/FormatTrack/WriteBoot
Statement : MotorOff
Modes : Amiga
Syntax : MotorOff unit#
This turns the drive motor of 'unit#' off.
Command : ReadSector
Modes : Amiga
Syntax : [success=]ReadSector(unit#,sector#,buffer[,numsectors])
This attempts to read 'numsectors' sectors from a trackdisk device which
has been opened with OpenDisk and has its Motor On. If numsectors is
omitted then 1 sector is read. The data is read into the memory location
pointed to by 'buffer'.
WARNING! Please MAKE SURE the MOTOR is _ON_ otherwise, all hell will break
Command : WriteSector
Modes : Amiga
Syntax : [success=]WriteSector(unit#,sector#,buffer[,numsectors])
This is the same as ReadSector except........... it writes! (and no, I
am not being lazy by not typing any decent docs)
Command : FormatTrack
Modes : Amiga
Syntax : [success=]FormatTrack(unit#,track#,buffer[,numtracks])
This does a TD_FORMAT on the specified track number. Buffer should point
to the area of memory which the track should be formatted with. I don't
know why this command exists - but hey, it might come in useful.
Statement : CloseDisk
Modes : Amiga
Syntax : CloseDisk unit#
This closes the trackdisk.device of the specified unit#. The Motor is
automatically switched off if it is already on.
Command : WriteBoot
Modes : Amiga
Syntax : [success=]WriteBoot(unit#[,buffer])
This writes 1kilobyte of data to the bootblock of the specified disk unit.
The optional buffer parameter should point to an area of memory with which
to write the bootblock.
RIAnim Library v1.0
By Stephen McNamara
(c)1994 Reflective Images
This library enables the playback of both Anim5 and Anim7 format
animations. It allows you to playback animations at any co-ordinate in a
bitmap and supports different palettes for frames of the animation. It
also allows you to playback animations from FAST ram, thus you can now play
massive animations that can only fit in FAST ram.
When playing back animations you must make sure that your display is
double-buffered. Please refer to the Blitz manual for information about
how anims can be played back properly - or look at the example program
included with this file.
Note: there may still be a few bugs in the animation playback routines - if
you have any problems or spot any bugs then please contact us at the
address given in the main file of this archive.
These are the RIANIM library commands:
Statement/Function: RIAnimInit
Modes : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax: [suc=]RIAnimInit(address,bitmap#,palette#[,xy_offset])
This command attempts to take an animation held in memory (CHIP or FAST)
and identify it as a supported animation format. If it identifies it
okay it will set up the animation by unpacking frame 1 of the anim onto
the specified bitmap and copying the palette to the specified palette
You must ensure that the bitmap is big and deep enough to actually hold
the animation. At the moment there is no checking of the bitmap size.
The palette object you give is automatically resized to the size of the
palette in the animation.
The optional parameter allows you to play an animation at an offset into
a bitmap. Thus you could center a half screen animation on a bitmap.
The offset is given as a byte offset from the start of each bitplane.
It is calculated like this:
where: X and Y are your co-ordinates
pixel_width is the width of your bitmap.
If used as a function, this command returns true for a successful
initialise or false for failure.
Statement/Function: RINextAnimFrame
Modes : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax: [suc=]RINextAnimFrame bitmap#
This command attempts to unpack the next frame of a previously
initialised animation onto the specified bitmap. It returns true or
false to say whether it succeeded or not.
Statement: AnimLoop
Modes : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax: AnimLoop ON|OFF
This command allows you to control the looping mode of the animation.
With animloop off, playback of an animation will stop at the last frame
of it. Any attempt to draw another frame will fail. With it on,
though, the animation will loop around.
Note: you must ensure that your animation has loop frames at the end of
it if you want to loop the animation around. The reverse of this is
true for animloop off - the animation must not have loop frames if you
don't want it to loop around. If you select animloop off but have
looping frames in your anim then the animation will end by displaying a
copy of frame 2 of the animation.
==== Reflective Images Commodities Library V0.9 (C)1994 ====
This library allows the easy use of Commodities. It requires Kickstart 2
or higher.
The COMMODITIES library commands:
Function : MakeCommodity
Modes : Amiga
Syntax : success=MakeCommodity(name$,title$,description$)
This command attempts to add your Commodity to the list of commodities.
A return value of -1 indicates success, 0 means failure. (not enough
name$ refers to the name of the Commodity and it should be unique. This
is the name that appears when running the Commodity Exchange program.
title$ is the title of your program, e.g. "My Screen Blanker".
description$ is a brief description of your program.
The Commodity Exchange program will then have 'name$' in its list of
Commodities and when a user clicks on your commodity, it will display
the title$ and description$.
Function : SetHotKey
Modes : Amiga
Syntax : success=SetHotKey(hotkey#,hotkeydescription$)
This will add a hotkey event to your commodity so that after a hotkey
has been pressed you can find out which one.
e.g. success=SetHotKey(0,"lalt lshift a")
Function : HotKeyHit
Modes : Amiga
Syntax : hitkeynum=HotKeyHit
This will return the number of the hot key which has been hit since the
last 'CommodityEvent' was called, or -1 if no such hotkey has been
Function : CommodityEvent
Modes : Amiga
Syntax : anyevent=CommodityEvent
This looks to see if either
a) A hotkey has been pressed
b) A message from Exchange has been received
and returns -1 if such an event occurred, of 0 is nothing has yet
happened. This should be inside a Repeat-Until loop, e.g.
hk.l=HotKeyHit ; This must be used after
Until ev or ce or hk ; CommodityEvent
Statement : SetStatus
Modes : Amiga
Syntax : SetStatus on|off
This sets the status of your Commodity to either Active (on) or Inactive
(off) - this can be seen by running the Commodities Exchange program.
Function : ExchangeMessage
Modes : Amiga
Syntax : messnum.l=ExchangeMessage
This looks to see if the Commodities Exchange has issued you with as
message, e.g. Hide Interface, Show Interface. It returns the message ID
of the incoming message or 0 for no message.
Functions: CxAppear/CxDisAppear/CxEnable/CxDisable
Modes : Amiga
These are to be used in conjunction with ExchangeMessage, ie
Select em
Case CxAppear
Gosub _appear
Case CxDisAppear
Gosub _disappear
End Select
The functions merely return the ID value associated with that particular
Commodities Exchange message.
Functions: ExchangeAppear/ExchangeDisAppear/ExchangeEnable/
Modes : Amiga
To be used in conjunction with ExchangeMessage, ie
If em
If ExchangeAppear then Gosub _appear
If ExchangeDisAppear then Gosub _dispappear
This is intended as an alternative way of acting upon Exchange Messages.
;- WB library version 0.9 -
;- ©1994 Reflective Images -
This small library provides quick and easy to use commands for accessing
AppWindows, AppIcons and AppMenus.
This library must have at least V37+ of Workbench/DOS/Icon libraries
This version of the library only enables you to read the FIRST file
dragged to an AppWindow/AppIcon or selected from an AppMenu - future
versions will have additional commands AppWindowArg/AppIconArg/
AppMenuArg which returns the filename of the specified arg. E.g.
The WB commands:
Function : AppEvent
Modes : Amiga
Syntax : status=AppEvent
This command checks the msg ports of any open AppIcons/AppWindows/
AppMenus and if an event has been passed, returns -1. 0 indicates no
event has occurred.
Until AppEvent
Function : AppWindowEvent
Modes : Amiga
Syntax : status=AppWindowEvent
This command checks the msg ports of any open AppWindows and if an event
has been passed, returns -1. 0 indicates no event has occurred.
Until AppWindowEvent
Function : AppIconEvent
Modes : Amiga
Syntax : status=AppIconEvent
This command checks the msg ports of any AppIcons and if an event has
been passed, returns -1. 0 indicates no event has occurred.
Until AppIconEvent
Function : AppMenuEvent
Modes : Amiga
Syntax : status=AppMenuEvent
This command checks the msg ports of any AppMenus and if an event has
been passed, returns -1. 0 indicates no event has occurred.
Until AppMenuEvent
Function : AddAppWindow
Modes : Amiga
Syntax : success=AddAppWindow(windownumber)
This command attempts to make the window specified by 'windownumber' to
become an AppWindow. -1 means success, 0 means failure. There is a
currently limit of 4 AppWindows.
Function : AddAppIcon
Modes : Amiga
Syntax : success=AddAppIcon(id,text$,iconname$)
This command attempts to place an AppIcon onto the Workbench desktop.
ID is a unique identification number. Text$ is text to display
underneath the AppIcon and Iconname$ is the name of the file to use the
Icon imagery. -1 means success, 0 means failure.
If suc=0 Then End
Function : AddAppMenu
Modes : Amiga
Syntax : success=AddAppMenu(id,text$)
This command tries to add 'text$' to the Tools menu of Workbench.
ID is a unique identification number. Returns -1 for success, 0 for
If suc=0 Then End
Function : AppWindowFile
Modes : Amiga
Syntax : filename$=AppWindowFile(windownumber)
This command returns the complete path of the file which was dragged to
the AppWindow. If the file was in fact a directory a '/' is appended.
An empty string signifies nothing was Dragged.
Function : AppIconFile
Modes : Amiga
Syntax : filename$=AppIconFile(id)
This command returns the complete path of the file which was dragged to
the AppIcon. If the file was in fact a directory a '/' is appended.
An empty string signifies nothing was Dragged.
Function : AppMenuFile
Modes : Amiga
Syntax : filename$=AppMenuFile(id)
This command returns the complete path of the file which was selected
when the AppMenu was hit. If the file was in fact a directory a '/' is
appended. An empty string signifies nothing was selected.
Function : AppIconHit
Modes : Amiga
Syntax : status=AppIconHit(id)
This command returns the status of the AppIcon <id>. -1 = The icon was
doubleclicked, 0 = nothing has happened.
If no argument is supplied, the function returns the number of the
doubleclicked icon, or -1 for none.
Function : AppMenuHit
Modes : Amiga
Syntax : status=AppMenuHit(id)
This returns the status of the AppMenu item <id>. -1 = This menu
item was selected, 0 = This menu item was not selected.
If no argument is given, the function returns the numbe of the
selected menu item, or -1 for none.
Function : DelAppWindow/DelAppIcon/DelAppMenu
Modes : Amiga
Syntax : success=DelAppWindow[(number)]
These commands will remove the AppWindow/AppIcon/AppMenu from the system
and free up the associated message ports.
*** IMPORTANT *** You must call DelAppWindow BEFORE closing a window,
or your machine will GURU!
Reflective Images Tooltypes Library
Release #2
By Stephen McNamara, inspired by the collection of tooltype functions by
Mark Tiffany.
(c)1994 Reflective Images
This library contains commands to allow the reading, comparing and
setting of tooltypes in a .info file. All tooltype names are case
insignificant but as a general sort of rule they should really be
completely uppercase.
This library attempts to open the system Icon.library, if the opening of
this library fails ALL commands in this library will be unusable.
Almost every function in this library relies on the Icon.library
Changed commands:
FindToolValue - now returns "" if the tooltype was found but did not
have a value (e.g. DONOTWAIT). You should now use
FindToolType to check for the existance of a tooltype
and then use FindToolValue to get its value.
PutIconObject - now has an optional parameter that lets you set the type
of the file. See SetIconType for more information
about possible values for this command.
Command list:
Statement: SetIconHit
Modes : Amiga
Syntax : SetIconHit width#,height#
This command sets the size of the 'hit-box' around the image in the
currently loaded .info file. This is only of use if your info file has
an image associated with it. You should note that the hit box should
never be smaller, horizontally or vertically, than the actual size of
the image.
When Workbench renders an image for a file onto a window, it
automatically puts a 3d box border around it. The size of the hit box
determines the size of this border. Your image will always be located
in the top left border of the hit box.
Statement: ShapeToIcon
Modes : Amiga
Syntax : ShapeToIcon shape#[,shape#]
This command lets you change the images associated with the currently
loaded .info file. What it does is to set up the .info file in memory
so that when it is saved out next, the images you give are saved out
with it.
Using this command does not actually copy any shape data around memory,
all it does it place a pointer in the .info to the shape data. You
should therefore not delete a shape WITHOUT first saving the .info file
to disk (that is of course if you want to keep your changes).
When you use this command, the hit box area for the .info file is
automatically set to the size of the first shape given. It is
important, therefore, that the second shape is not larger than the
first. When you give a second shape, this shape is set up to be the
'alternate render' image, this means that this is the second image
associated with the .info file (remember the two windows in the
Statement: SetIconType
Modes : Amiga
Syntax : SetIconType type#
This command lets you specify the type of the file associated with the
currently loaded .info file. The type describes whether or not the file
is a tool or project etc...., and can take the following values:
1 Disk
2 Drawer
3 Tool
4 Project
5 Trashcan
This command is identical to the menu in the IconEditor 'Type'.
Statement: IconRender
Modes : Amiga
Syntax : IconRender mode#
This command lets you specify what Workbench should do to the icons
image when the user clicks on it. It lets you choose whether a separate
image should be displayed or whether the current image should just be
modified. Mode# is made up of several different values that should be
added together to create different effects, these are:
0 Complement the select box
1 Draw a box around the image
2 Draw the alternate image
3 Don't highlight
4 Double image icon
Thus if you wanted an icon to change to a second image when selected,
and the icon has a second image, you would set the render to 6 (4+2).
This would mean that you had a second image (4) and that you wanted it
to be displayed when you select the icon (2).
Note: when you use ShapeToIcon with two shape numbers the IconRender is
automatically set to 6.
Statement: IconDefaultTool
Modes : Amiga
Syntax : IconDefaultTool tool$
This command lets you set the default tool for the current .info file.
The default tool only applies for project files (see SetIconType) and is
the program that is run when you double click the icon file (e.g. all
Blitz2 source code files saved out with icons have the default tool
This command can be used to make a file saved out by your program
double-clickable. I have used it myself to make map files saved out
from my editor automatically load the editor when selected.
Statement: FindToolType
Modes : Amiga
Syntax : bool=FindToolType (tool$)
This command simply returns true or false to say whether or not the
given tooltype was found in the currently loaded .info file.
Statement/Function: GetIconObject
Modes : Amiga
Syntax : GetIconObject filename$
suc.l=GetIconObject (filename$)
This command reads in a .info file from disk. The filename given will
have '.info' added to the end of it and will be loaded into memory (chip
or fast depending on what is available for allocation) as a diskobject.
Please refer to the Amiga hardware includes for information about the
diskobject structure (or see your Blitz Basic Amigalibs resident file).
If used as a function, this command will return either FALSE for failure
or the address of the allocated diskobject in memory.
Statement/Function: PutIconObject
Modes : Amiga
Syntax : PutIconObject filename$
suc.l=PutIconObject (filename$)
This command takes a diskobject structure reserved and initialised by
GetIconObject and saves it out to disk as a .info file for the specified
All current tooltypes and values will be saved with the file. The
optional parameter allows you to set the type of the file associated
with the .info file. See SetIconType for possible values for this
parameter. Note that if you leave out this parameter the icontype will
not be changed.
Statement/Function: FreeIconObject
Modes : Amiga
Syntax : FreeIconObject
This command will free up the diskobject that is currently being used.
It will not save out any tooltype changes and will free up the memory
without ANY changes being made to the .info file loaded from disk.
Function: FindToolValue
Modes : Amiga
Syntax : toolval$=FindToolValue(tooltype$)
This function returns the value of the selected tooltype. The return
value is a string, and is the part of the tooltype string after the "="
in the tooltype entry. The tooltype$ string that you pass can be in
either lower case or uppercase since all testing in done in uppercase,
although as a general rule, all tooltypes should be in uppercase.
This function will return a null string if the named tooltype was not
found in the list of tooltypes for the file. If the selected tooltype
did not have an actual value (e.g. DONOTWAIT) then this function will
return the string "!!".
Function: FindToolNumber
Modes : Amiga
Syntax : toolval$=FindToolNumber(tooltype$)
This command will return the FULL tooltype string in the selected
tooltype position. If the tooltype number does not exist then "" will
be returned.
Example: tooltypes: "DONOTWAIT"
FindToolNumber(0) will return "DONOTWAIT"
FindToolNumber(1) will return "CLOCKX"
FindToolNumber(49) will return ""
Function: MatchToolValue
Modes : Amiga
Syntax : suc.l=MatchToolValue(tooltype$,value$)
This command searchs the current list of tooltypes for the selected
tooltype and, if found, attempts to match the values of it with the
given value. This command uses the operating system call
MatchToolType(), it is able to cope with a tool having more than one
(the | is used to show OR, thus this tooltype
means that LANGUAGE equals ENGLISH or FRECH)
When using match toolvalue with this tooltype, TRUE will
be returned when you use value$="ENGLISH" or "FRENCH"
but not (I think) both.
You should note that for this command, the case of VALUE$ is
Statement/Function: SetToolValue
Modes : Amiga
Syntax : SetToolValue tooltype$,value$
suc.l=SetToolValue (tooltype$,value$)
This command will attempt to set a tooltype that is currently defined to
the specified value. When used as a function, this command will return
TRUE for success or FALSE for failure, possible failures include: no
icon file loaded and tooltype not found. When used, this command
attempts to allocate memory to store the new tooltype information in,
it does not attempt to free up the old memory allocated to the tooltype.
This means that you should keep alterations of tooltypes to a minimum.
The best way to manage tooltypes is:
1. Open the icon
2. Read the tooltypes
3. Close the icon
4. ... do your program ...
5. Open the icon
6. Alter the tooltypes
7. Save the icon
Using this series of events, you'll keep memory usage (which will be
fairly small anyway...) to the very minimum.
Statement/Function: NewToolType
Modes : Amiga
Syntax : NewToolType tooltype$,value$
suc.l=NewToolType (tooltype$,value$)
This command allocates a new tooltype in the currently loaded .info file
and sets its value. No check is done to see is the tooltype already
exists and the new tooltype is added to the end of the current list of
Statement: ClearToolTypes
Modes : Amiga
Syntax : ClearToolTypes
This command is used to clear all the tooltype information from the
currently loaded .info file. It does not attempt, though, to free up
all the memory reserved to store tooltype names and values, you should
therefore not used this command too many times in a row. Once you have
used this command, any attempt to read tooltype values will fail.
;- ReqLib.library version 0.9 -
;- ©1994 Reflective Images -
The well known Req.Library for the Amiga is one of the best file
requesters around, so I wrote this small lib to enable Blitz users to
have Req requesters in their programs with the minimum of hassle.
* PLEASE NOTE * That this library must have at least v2.2 of the
Req.Library available.
Command List:
Statement: ReqOutput
Modes : Amiga
Syntax : ReqOutput windownumber
This command sets the ReqLib.library to put all requesters onto the
window specified by <windownumber>. If this command is not called
then the requesters will appear on the Default Public Screen.
Function: ReqFileRequest
Modes : Amiga Syntax : pathname$=ReqFileRequest([title$[,flags]])
This opens up the standard file requester. If <title$> is given then
the text will appear on the requester title bar.
The optional <flags> parameter specifies a flag setting (see below)
for use. If this is omitted then the last flag setting is used.
Function: ReqFileLoc
Modes : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax : memorylocation.l=ReqFileLoc
This simply returns the address in memory where the Req.Library file
requester stucture is located.
Below is a list of possible flag settings and a brief description of each.
#FRQSHOWINFOB = %1 ;Set to show .info files. Default is not.
#FRQEXTSELECTB = %10 ;Extended select. Default is not.
#FRQCACHINGB = %100 ;Directory caching. Default is not.
#FRQGETFONTSB = %1000 ;Font requester rather than a file requester.
#FRQINFOGADGETB = %10000 ;Hide-info files gadget.
#FRQHIDEWILDSB = %100000 ;DON'T want 'show' and 'hide' string gadgets.
#FRQABSOLUTEXYB = %1000000 ;Use absolute x,y positions rather than centering on mouse.
#FRQCACHEPURGEB = %10000000 ;Purge the cache whenever the directory date stamp changes if this is set.
#FRQNOHALFCACHEB = %100000000 ;Don't cache a directory unless it is completely read in when this is set.
#FRQNOSORTB = %1000000000 ;DON'T want sorted directories.
#FRQNODRAGB = %10000000000 ;DON'T want a drag bar and depth gadgets.
#FRQSAVINGB = %100000000000 ;Are selecting a file to save to.
#FRQLOADINGB = %1000000000000 ;Are selecting a file(s) to load from.
#FRQDIRONLYB = %10000000000000 ;Allow the user to select a directory, rather than a file.
Below is a description of the Req.Library file requester structure.
STRUCTURE AFileRequester,0
UWORD frq_VersionNumber ;MUST BE REQVERSION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
;You will probably want to initialize these three variables.
APTR frq_Title ; Hailing text
APTR frq_Dir ; Directory array (must be DSIZE+1 characters long)
APTR frq_File ; Filename array (must be FCHARS+1 characters long)
; If you initialize this variable then the file requester will place the complete path name in here on exit.
APTR frq_PathName ; Complete path name array - (must be DSIZE+FCHARS+2 long)
; If you want the file requester to pop up on your custom screen, put one of your window pointers here.
; Or better yet, you can leave this field zeroed and put a pointer to one of your windows in the
; pr_WindowPtr field in your process structure.
APTR frq_Window ; Window requesting or NULL
; Initialize these to the number of lines and columns you want to appear in the inner window that
; displays the file names. If you leave these set to zero then default values will be used.
UWORD frq_MaxExtendedSelect ; Zero implies a maximum of 65535, as long as FRQEXTSELECT is set.
UWORD frq_numlines ; Number of lines in file window.
UWORD frq_numcolumns ; Number of columns in file window.
UWORD frq_devcolumns ; Number of columns in device window.
ULONG frq_Flags ; Various - umm - flags. See above for more info.
UWORD frq_dirnamescolor ;These five colors will all default
UWORD frq_filenamescolor ;to color one if you don't specify
UWORD frq_devicenamescolor ;a color (ie; if you specify color zero).
UWORD frq_fontnamescolor ;If you want color zero to be used, specify
UWORD frq_fontsizescolor ;color 32, or some other too large number
;which mods down to zero.
UWORD frq_detailcolor ;If both of these colors are specified as
UWORD frq_blockcolor ;zero then the block pen will be set to one.
UWORD frq_gadgettextcolor ;The color for the text of the five boolean gadgets. Defaults to 1.
UWORD frq_textmessagecolor ;The color for the message at the screen top. Defaults to 1.
UWORD frq_stringnamecolor ;The color for the words Drawer, File, Hide and Show. Defaults to 3.
UWORD frq_stringgadgetcolor ;The color for the borders of the string gadgets. Defaults to 3.
;Unfortunately it is not possible to specify
;the color of the actual text in an Intuition
;string gadget.
UWORD frq_boxbordercolor ;The color for the boxes around the file and directory areas. Defaults to 3.
UWORD frq_gadgetboxcolor ;The color for the boxes around the five boolean gadgets. Defaults to 3.
STRUCT frq_RFU_Stuff,36 ;This area, which is reserved for
;future use, should all be zero.
STRUCT frq_DirDateStamp,ds_SIZEOF ; A copy of the cached directories date stamp.
; There should never be any need to change this.
UWORD frq_WindowLeftEdge; ;These two fields are only used when the
UWORD frq_WindowTopEdge; ;FRQABSOLUTEXY flag is set. They specify
;the location of the upper left hand
;corner of the window.
UWORD frq_FontYSize ;These fields are used to return the selected
UWORD frq_FontStyle ;font size and style, only applicable when the
;font bit is set.
;If you set the extended select bit and the user extended selects, the list of filenames will start from here.
APTR frq_ExtendedSelect ; Linked list of ESStructures if more than one filename is chosen.
;All of the following variables you shouldn't need to touch. They contain fields that the file
;requester sets and likes to preserve over calls, just to make life easier for the user.
STRUCT frq_Hide,WILDLENGTH+2 ; Wildcards for files to hide.
STRUCT frq_Show,WILDLENGTH+2 ; Wildcards for files to show.
WORD frq_FileBufferPos ; Cursor's position and first
WORD frq_FileDispPos ; displayed character number in
WORD frq_DirBufferPos ; the three string gadgets. No
WORD frq_DirDispPos ; need to initialized these if
WORD frq_HideBufferPos ; you don't want to.
WORD frq_HideDispPos
WORD frq_ShowBufferPos
WORD frq_ShowDispPos
; The following fields are PRIVATE! Don't go messing with them or
; wierd things may/will happen. If this isn't enough of a warning, go read
; the one in intuition.h, that should scare you off.
APTR frq_Memory ; Memory allocated for dir entries.
APTR frq_Memory2 ; Used for currently hidden files.
APTR frq_Lock ; Contains lock on directories being read across calls.
STRUCT frq_PrivateDirBuffer,DSIZE+2 ; Used for keeping a record of which
; directory we have file names for.
APTR frq_FileInfoBlock
WORD frq_NumEntries
WORD frq_NumHiddenEntries
WORD frq_filestartnumber
WORD frq_devicestartnumber
PCF Library - Picture Crunch Format
-Brought to you by FUNdamental-
About This Archive
This archive contains:
o A new library of commands for Blitz Basic 2
o A compiled blitz program to generate PCF files
from IFF files
o A Blitz Basic and ASCII version of the same demo
program, to show use of the commands
o A pre-converted image
o This file 8)
All coding was written by Nigel Hughes, with a thank you to Steve from
Reflective Images for his help with AllocDosObject and addressing
objects in libraries. Not to mention the excellent RIB libraries.
About PCF Format
On the Blitz mailing list, there was a call for a method of protecting
graphics from the "general public" I responded by saying,
"Use my library"
And then disappeared to prepare for my finals! Well the finals are over
and so here is version one of the PCF Library, version 2 will be out
soon, more details later.
PCF is more compact graphics file format, that cannot be read by any
general release paint package. There are commands within the library
to cache these pictures and decompress to a bitmap only when you need
them. Later versions will enable a coder to add his own personal tag
so only he/she can decrypt the file.
Making a PCF Picture
In order to turn a IFF ILBM picture into a PCF file one need only use
the picture_crunch program supplied in the archieve. Click on the "Load
N Crunch" button to load an IFF and convert it to a PCF file. You will
be asked if you wish to generate a V 1.0 file or the latest format.
Please only select the "Latest Format" option as V1.0 is reserved for
my use only and is protected and cannot be decrypted by any one else!
One can only use the Display gadgets once a IFF picture has been
crunched, this is a bug that will be fixed in later versions. Sorry.
The Library
The library can be installed either by copying "PCF_Lib.obj" to your
BlitzLibs:Userlibs directory and then selecting "RELOAD ALL LIBS" in the
COMPILER menu in BB2, or by using the MakeDefLibs program after copying
"PCF_LIb.obj" to your BlitzLibs:Userlibs directory.
PCF Commands:
Function : CachePCF
Modes: Amiga
Syntax: cache_ptr.l=CachePCF (Filename$,Memory Type,Cache Length)
The function loads a PCF file into memory, returning the pointer to
the cache. The Cache Length variable will contain the length of the
cache and is needed in order to use the FreePCFCache command. This
command does not cause the PCF image to be displayed.
If anything goes wrong during the loading of the file, no memory
will be allocated and 0 will be returned.
Statement: FreePCFCache
Modes: Amiga/Blitz
Syntax: FreePCFCache cache_ptr,cache_length
Frees the memory used by the PCF cache.
Statement: UnpackPCF
Modes: Amiga/Blitz
Syntax: UnpackPCF Bitmap#,Palette#,cache_ptr
Decompresses a PCF cache to a bitmap and palette. Both objects must
already exist. The PCF library currently makes no attempt to check the
bitmap or the palette are deep enough. If the bitmap is too large then
the image WILL be corrupt. The statement checks the version of PCF Cache
to ensure that it can decompress it!
Statement: LoadPCF
Modes: Amiga
Syntax: LoadPCF Bitmap#,Palette#,cache_ptr
Loads and decompresses a PCF image straight into the bitmap and palette.
The image is NOT cached afterwards. The same restriction apply to this
command as to UnpackPCF
Statement: PCFInfo
Modes: Amiga/Blitz
Syntax: PCFInfo cache_ptr
Enables the use of PCFWidth, PCFHeight, PCFDepth, PCFVersion. These
commands will all return the relevant details about the cache pointed to
by cache_ptr. This allows a programmer to ensure that the destination
bitmap and palette are of the correct dimensions.
Function: PCFVersion
Modes: Amiga/Blitz
Sytax: v.l=PCFVersion
Returns the version of the last cache interogated by PCFInfo.
Function: PCFWidth
Modes: Amiga/Blitz
Sytax: v.l=PCFWidth
Returns the width of the last cache interogated by PCFInfo.
Function: PCFHeight
Modes: Amiga/Blitz
Sytax: v.l=PCFHeight
Returns the height of the last cache interogated by PCFInfo.
Function: PCFDepth
Modes: Amiga/Blitz
Sytax: v.l=PCFDepth
Returns the number of bitplanes of the last cache interogated by
The UnpackPCF command can decompress a 320x256 by 256 colour image
in under 10/50 of a second. For an image of 5 bitplanes or lower,
the command can often decompress in under a frame.
The PCF file format itself is usually about 1k smaller than the
related IFF file. This ratio will be much improved in the next
The Futre
I have a HUGE list of things to do, I just really wanted to get this
out to the general public so people can tell me what they think (wince).
But futre enhancements will include...
o A PackIFF type command
o Improved Compression rate
o Unique key for decompression
o Multiple file types, including Shapes
o Multiple files in one PCF file.
Any bugs etc please contact FUNdamental at
Nigel Hughes
2 Slimmons Drive
St. Albans
Until the 23rd Of June at nlh1@k.ac.aber, and after
that via Mike Richards at mhr@k.ac.aber.
Right, it is 1:05 AM and I am going to bed...
Nigel Hughes.
PACK Library v0.1
By Stephen McNamara with a little help from Steve Matty
(c)1994 Reflective Images
This library contains commands for the unpacking of ILBM's (IFF
pictures) and the grabbing of their palettes (CMAP chunks). Nearly all
the commands in this library can be used as either STATEMENTS or
Usage is identical in both cases but if used as a function then the
command will return:
FALSE for failure
TRUE for success
Please feel free to critisise (or praise!) this library, send me
anything you want to say about it at:
Stephen McNamara,
17 Mayles Road,
PO4 8NP.
Telephone: (England) 0705 781507.
Or send us anything you've written........
These are all the PACK library commands:
Statement/Function: UnpackIFF
Modes : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax: UnpackIFF address.l,bitmap#[,lines]
suc=UnpackIFF (address.l,bitmap#[,lines])
This command is used to unpack an IFF picture file from memory onto a
bitmap. Address.l should point to the START of the iff file header in
memory (either CHIP or FAST mem can be used), bitmap should be the
number of a previously initialised bitmap. The optional lines parameter
allows you to specify the number of lines to unpack from the IFF file.
This command checks the size of the bitmap against the size of the IFF
before it unpacks the IFF onto it. Checks are made for width, height
and depth of the bitmap and the IFF and the following is done:
BITMAP 'size' < IFF 'size' : unpack aborted
BITMAP 'size' = IFF 'size' : pic is unpacked
BITMAP 'size' > IFF 'size' : pic is unpacked
Extra aborts can be caused by:
- not using a previously installed bitmap
- given the optional lines parameter as 0 or less
- not giving ADDRESS.l as a pointer to a valid IFF ILBM
When using the optional parameter, you should note that if you try to
unpack more lines than the IFF has, the unpack routine will
automatically stop at the last line of the IFF. It will not reject the
UnpackIFF command.
NOTE: you should save your IFF pictures with the STENCIL OFF because at
the moment this routine does not check to see if STENCIL data is present
in the IFF file.
Statement/Function: ILBMPalette
Modes : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax: ILBMPalette address.l,palette#
suc=ILBMPalette (address.l,palette#)
This command is used to grab the palette from a IFF picture file held in
memory (CHIP or FAST mem). Address.l should be given as the address of
either an IFF file in memory or a CMAP chunk in memory. When you use
the SAVE PALETTE command from inside an art program (e.g. DPaint) or
from inside Blitz2, the program saves out a CMAP chunk which gives
details about the palette. The CMAP chunk is also saved with IFF
picture files to give the palette of the picture.
This command will look at the address you gave and try and find a CMAP
chunk from the address given to address+5120. If it finds a chunk it
will grab the palette into the given palette object. If the palette
object already contains palette information then this information is
deleted. This routine looks in the CMAP chunk and reserves the palette
object to have the same number of colour entries.
This command will fail if it doesn't find a CMAP chunk.
Statment: ILBMGrab
Modes : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax: ILBMGrab address.l,bitmap#,palette#
This command lets you grab both the palette and the graphics from an IFF
picture file with just one command. It returns to success parameter to
say whether or not it succeeded in grabbing the data, so if you need to
know if the grabbing was successful you'll have to use the separate
commands for grabbing palettes and graphics.
NOTE: this command essentially just calls both UNPACKIFF and
so everything said about these commands is relevent for ILBMGrab.
Statment/Function: LoadIFF
Modes : Amiga
Syntax: LoadIFF filename$,bitmap#[,palette#]
suc=LoadIFF (filename$,bitmap#[,palette#])
This command is a direct replacement for Blitz2's LoadBitmap. It is a
lot faster than Blitz's command since it loads the file into memory and
then unpacks it from there. Thus you need to ensure that you have
enough free memory to load the IFF into before trying to use this
This command is also more stable than Blitz's since it checks for the
existence of the file before trying to load it in.
The optional parameter allows you to load in the palette of the IFF
picture. Refer to UnpackIFF and ILBMPalette for more information about
unpacking the graphics and grabbing the palettes.
IMPORTANT NOTE: to use this command you must have
our FUNC library installed in your copy of Blitz2.
Use of this command without this library will probably lead to a bad crash
of your Amiga!
Statement/Function: DeIce
Modes : Amiga
Syntax: DeIce source_address,dest_address
suc=DeIce (source_address,dest_address)
This is a command from my (Stephen McNamara) past.
It is used to unpack data files packed by my favourite Atari ST packer -
PACK ICE v2.40. I've put it into Blitz because still have loads of
files that I've packed with it. To use it, source_address should
(obviously) contain the address of the data, dest_address should be
where to unpack the data to. In the function form, this command returns
either 0 for unpack failed or -1 for success.
Note: The size of the data unpacked is the long
word at source_address+8 (I think, or is it 4?) if anybody is
Function: ChunkHeader
Modes : Amiga
Syntax: val.l=ChunkHeader (A$)
This command was put in by me (Stephen McNamara) before I realised Blitz
already had a command that does exactly the same. I've left it in just
because I want to. It is useful when looking through IFF files for
chunks (e.g. ILBM, CMAP, etc.) as it gives you a longword value to look
for in memory to find the chunk. The string should be a four character
string (e.g. CMAP), you'll be returned the longword value of the string.
This command does the job of the following bit of Blitz2 code:
GFX Library v0.1
By Stephen McNamara and Steve Matty
(c)1994 Reflective Images
This library contains commands for the control of palette objects inside
Blitz2. These are just simple commands that allow either interrogation
of the palette objects are modifications to the colour values contained
in them. After changing the palette with these commands, you'll have to
do either a USE PALETTE or DISPLAYPALETTE (whichever is applicable to
what you're doing) to make the changes come into effect on your screen.
Please feel free to critisise (or praise!) this library, send me
anything you want to say about it at:
Or send us anything you've written........
These are all the GFX library commands:
Statement: PaletteInfo
Modes : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax: PaletteInfo Palette#
This command is used to specify the palette object that all palette
interrogations should look at. The majority of the commands use this
palette object as the source for their data, e.g. PalRed(1) will look at
the red value of colour 1 of the palette last used in a PaletteInfo
Modes : Amiga/Blitz Syntax: r.w=PalRed (Colour#)
This command is used to get the red value of colour number Colour#. You
should use the PaletteInfo command to specify what palette this command
takes its information from.
The value returned will be from 0 to 15
Function: PalGreen
Modes : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax: r.w=PalGreen (Colour#)
This command is used to get the green value of colour number Colour#.
You should use the PaletteInfo command to specify what palette this
command takes its information from.
The value returned will be from 0 to 15
Function: PalBlue
Modes : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax: b.w=PalBlue (Colour#)
This command is used to get the blue value of colour number Colour#. You
should use the PaletteInfo command to specify what palette this command
takes its information from.
The value returned will be from 0 to 15
Function: AGAPalRed
Modes : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax: r.w=AGAPalRed (Colour#)
This command is used to get the red value of colour number Colour#. You
should use the PaletteInfo command to specify what palette this command
takes its information from.
The value returned will be from 0 to 255, this number of shades, though,
can only be displayed on an AGA machine.
Function: AGAPalGreen
Modes : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax: g.w=AGAPalGreen (Colour#)
This command is used to get the green value of colour number Colour#.
You should use the PaletteInfo command to specify what palette this
command takes its information from.
The value returned will be from 0 to 255, this number of shades, though,
can only be displayed on an AGA machine.
Function: AGAPalBlue
Modes : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax: b.w=AGAPalBlue (Colour#)
This command is used to get the blue value of colour number Colour#. You
should use the PaletteInfo command to specify what palette this command
takes its information from.
The value returned will be from 0 to 255, this number of shades, though,
can only be displayed on an AGA machine.
Statement: PalAdjust
Modes : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax: PalAdjust dest_palette#,ration.q[,start_col,end_col]
This command is used to multiple all the colours, or a range of colours,
in a palette object, by a ratio. The dest_palette# arguement is used to
give a destination for the adjusted colour information. This
destination should be a pre-reserved palette and should be AT LEAST as
big and the source palette. The source palette is taken as being the
palette last used in the PaletteInfo command.
The ratio should be given as either a quick value or a float and should
be below one for a fade or above to lighten a palette. If you give a
ratio of 1 then a palette copy will occur.
The optional start and end parameters let you specify the range of
colours to adjust. Only this range of colours, though, will be adjusted
and stored in the destination palette.
Statement: FillPalette
Modes : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax: FillPalette palette#,r,g,b[start_col,end_col]
This command lets you fill a given palette object with specific r,g,b
values. The values given should be between 0 to and 15. Optionally,
you can give start and end colour numbers to set a range for the fill.
You should be careful, though, because when you specify a range, no
checking is done (at the moment) to make sure that you don't exceed
the colour limit of the palette.
You should note that this command does not work on the palette last
Statement: AGAFillPalette
Modes : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax: AGAFillPalette palette#,r,g,b[start_col,end_col]
This command is identical to FILLPALETTE except that it lets
you specify AGA shade values for the r,g,b parameters.
See FILLPALETTE for more information.
FNS Library v0.992
By Stephen McNamara
(c)1994 Reflective Images
This Blitz2 library prints proportional fonts in either Amiga or Blitz
mode. It uses my own (rather primitive) font file format, details of
which can be found at the end of this text file. Fonts can be upto 64
pixels wide and any height (although the font editor is limited to 64
pixels at the present moment). Fonts can be output in upto 256 colours
(AGA!) and in the following ways: bold, centred, underlined, right-
aligned or just standard left-aligned.
Note: a default font (PERSONAL.8) is built into this library and can be
used by simply using font number 0. You do not have to install this
font, it is automatically available for your use. A second point is to
make is that the library is set up with a clipping rectangle of 0,0 to
0,0. Thus you have to use either FNSClip, FNSClipOutput or FNSOutput
(with the optional clip parameter) to set the clipping rectangle before
you try to print anything.
Please feel free to critisise (or praise!) this library, send me
anything you want to say about it at:
Or send me anything you've written........
These are all the FNS library commands:
Note: All return values will be words except when using InstallFNS and
FNS Font file format:
Header: 256 bytes.
0-3 : 'FNS.' - file identifier - looked for by InstallFNS
4-5 : height of font (#word)
6-7 : width of font in multiples of 16 (#word)
8-9 : underline position (offset from top of font, #word)
10-11 : size of data for each font character
[ (WIDTH/8) * height ]
32-255: byte giving widths of each character in the font.
These bytes doesn't really hold the width, rather
they hold the value to add to the X position of the
character to get to the position to print the next
character at (!).
256-EOF:character data starting at ASCII 32 (space)
Statement: FNSSetTab
Modes : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax: FNSSetTab tab_width
Use this command to set the tab spacing used when printing. The value
given should be the spacing IN pixels.
Function: FNSLoad
Modes : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax: suc=FNSLoad (filename$,font#)
This command is used to load a font from disk and automatically install
it for use by the FNS commands. Filename$ should be the full name of
the file to load (path$+file$) and font# should be 0<= and >=15. This
command returns a value of -1 for failure or the font number the font
was installed as (see InstallFNS). A failure could either be a load
error or an installation error.
You should make sure that the file you load IS an FNS font file.
IMPORTANT NOTE: to use this command, you must have
our FUNC library installed on your copy of Blitz2.
Running it without this library could, and probably will, cause a major
crash of your computer.
Also note that if you do an ERASEALL (this is a FUNC library command for
erasing banks), you will DELETE your font from memory!
Statement: FNSUnLoad
Modes : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax: FNSUnLoad font#
This command is used to remove a font installed with the FNSLoad
command. When this command runs it automatically removes the font
entry in the FNS commands and deletes the memory that the font file is
held in. There is no need to do this at the end of a program as the
FUNC library automatically frees up all allocated
Function: FNSSlot
Modes : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax: address.l=FNSSlot
Steve: this command was not in the doc file.
Function: InstallFNS
Modes : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax: font_num.b=InstallFNS(font_num.b,address.l)
This is used to install a font so that it is available for use by
the output routines. Font_num should be a number >=0 and <=15,
address should be the address in memory of the FNS font file.
This function will check that the address given does contain a FNS
font (it will look for the header 'FNS.'), if it cannot find the font
or something else goes wrong it will return a 0 to you, otherwise it
will return the number the font was installed as.
Note: The font number you give is automatically ANDED with $F when you
call this function, thus if you supply a number greater that 15
you could actually overwrite a previously installed font.
Statement: RemoveFNS
Modes : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax: RemoveFNS font#
This command simply removes an installed font from the list of font
held internally by the FNS routines. There is no real need to remove
fonts as installing fonts takes up no memory, except of course the
actual font data. You do not need to remove FNS fonts before ending a
Statement: FNSPrint
Modes : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax: FNSPrint font_num.b,x.w,y.w,a$/string_address
This command prints the string a$ in an FNS font at the position X,Y.
Font_num is the number of a previously installed FNS font, the output
of this command is sent to the current FNS bitmap (see FNSOutput). You
can setting a drawing rectangle on the currently used bitmap to limit
the output of the font - see FNSClip for more info.
Instead of a string, though, you can give the address of a null
terminated string in memory. Also, you can change the colour that text
is being output in in the current string by putting the character ASCII 1
followed by a byte value from 0-255 specifying the colour to change to.
The optional parameters are for controlling how the text is output.
They automatically overide the default setting but are not permanent,
i.e. the default output style and colour are restored after the line
has been output. Use FNSInk and FNSPrefs to set the default font
output mode.
Statement: FNSOutput
Modes : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax: FNSOutput bitmap#[,clip_update]
This command selects a bitmap for use by the FNS routines, the bitmap
must be a previously reserved Blitz 2 bitmap object. After this
command all FNS font printing will occur on the selected bitmap. The
optional parameter allows you to update the clipping rectangle for
output at the same time as setting the output bitmap. Setting
clip_update to a non-zero value will cause the clipping area to
automatically be set to the dimensions of the selected bitmap.
This command MUST be used before you attempt to use FNSPrint.
The maximum depth of the bitmap for printing is 8 bitplanes since this
is all Blitz 2 currently supports.
Statement: FNSInk
Modes : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax: FNSInk colour#
This sets the output colour for the FNS font drawing routines. The
number range is dependant on the depth of the destination bitmap, the
max posible range, though, is limited to 0 to 255 colours. The FNS
output routines will attempt to draw in all the bitplanes of the
selected bitmap, any extra bits in the ink colour will be ignored.
Statement: FNSPrefs
Modes : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax: FNSInk preferences[,colour#]
This sets the output prefs for the FNS font drawing routines but at
the same time also sets the colour for the FNS routines (optional).
At the moment the following options are available, the bits of the
preferences byte are used to select the different options:
bit 0: Centred text
bit 1: Bold text
bit 2: Underline
bit 3: Right aligned
Function: FNSHeight
Modes : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax: height.w=FNSHeight(font_num)
This routine returns the height of a previously installed FNS font.
Font_num should be >=0 and <=15.
Function: FNSUnderline
Modes : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax: under_pos=FNSUnderline(font_num)
This routine returns the underline position of the selected FNS font.
Font_num should be >=0 and <=15.
Function: FNSWidth
Modes : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax: width.w=FNSWidth(font_num)
This routine returns the width in multiples of 16 of the selected FNS
font. Font_num should be >=0 and <=15.
Statement: FNSClip
Modes : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax: FNSClip x1,y1,x2,y2
This command is used to limit the output of the FNSPrint command. The
co-ordinates given should describe a rectangle that is to be used to
clip the output. This rectangle can be thought of as a window on the
bitmap - no printing can occur outside of the window.
X1,Y1 are the top left corner of the clipping rectangle and X2,Y2 are
the bottom right corner. Please note that both X co-ordinates should be
multiples of 16 and that X2 should be the heightest multiple of 16 that
you do not wish output to occur at. Thus if your bitmap is 320x256 then
you would use the following to set the clipping rectangle to the full
FNSClip 0,0,320,256
Statement: FNSClipOutput
Modes : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax: FNSClipOutput
This command is used to quickly set the clipping rectangle for the FNS
commands to the full size of a bitmap.
Statement: FNSOrigin
Modes : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax: FNSOrigin [x,y]
This command is used to set an origin co-ordinate for printing output.
Whenever you use FNSPrint, the origin co-ordinates are added (as words)
to the co-ordinates you give for output. I.e. setting the origin at
100,0 and printing at co-ordinates 0,0 will cause the output to be at
Using this command without any parameters will cause the origin to
be reset to the position 0,0.
Note: This command does not affect the use of the FNSClip command.
Function: FNSLength
Modes : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax: a=FNSLength (font#,a$[,prefs])
This command is equivalent of the basic command a=len(a$) except that
it returns the x size, in pixels, of the string if it were to be printed
in the font font#. The optional preferences parameter allows you to
adjust the output of the string, if you specify no preferences then this
function will use the previously selected preferences to calculate the
string length. Using preferences allows you to account for things like
bold text output.
Function: FNSVersion
Modes : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax: a.q=FNSVersion
This command allows you to test the version number of the FNS library
that your program is being compiled with. It returns a quick float
value and so you should use a quick float variable for the answer. This
doc file was written for version 0.991 of the library.
FNS Font file format:
Header: 256 bytes.
0-3 : 'FNS.' - file identifier - looked for by InstallFNS
4-5 : height of font (#word)
6-7 : width of font in multiples of 16 (#word)
8-9 : underline position (offset from top of font, #word)
10-11 : size of data for each font character
[ (WIDTH/8) * height ]
32-255: byte giving widths of each character in the font.
These bytes doesn't really hold the width, rather
they hold the value to add to the X position of the
character to get to the position to print the next
character at (!).
256-EOF:character data starting at ASCII 32 (space)
Func/AMOS Library v1.0
By Steven Matty
©1994 Reflective Images
This library was written primarily to emulate the functions that were
present in AM*S but not in Blitz Basic 2. It began life as a load of
Blitz Statements but was then converted to high speed 680x0. The library
will continually be expanded upon and free updates will be sent on
request. If you decide to use any of the function please give me a
little cred, not a lot, just something. Anyway, enough of this
baloney....on with the command list.
These are all the FUNC library commands:
********************************* NOTE **************************************
Statement: ResetTimer
Mode : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax : ResetTimer
This will recent the CIA timer to 0.
Statement/Function : CludgeShapes
Mode : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax : [success]=CludgeShapes(shape#,numshapes,address)
This allows the creation of shapes through INCBIN statements. It
allocates chip memory for each shape and copies the data into this.
It does the same as LoadShapes except it grabs shapes from memory.
Statement/Function : CludgeSound
Mode : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax : [success]=CludgeSound(sound#,address)
This does that same for CludgeShapes but works on only 1 sound at a time
NOTE: Looped sounds are not currently supported! The sound must be a valid
8SVX sample.
Function: Reserve
Mode : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax : success=Reserve(banknumber,length)
This will attempt to reserve <length> bytes of memory. If succesfull,
it will return the address of the bank. If unsuccessfull, 0 is returned.
Banks are limited by the Compiler Options Menu.
Statement: Erase
Mode : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax : Erase(banknumber)
The Erase command will erase the specified memory bank.
Statement: EraseAll
Mode : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax : EraseAll
This command will erase ALL allocated memory banks.
Function: BLoad
Mode : Amiga
Syntax : success=BLoad(filename$,bank/address[,length,offset])
If bank is specified, then the file is loaded into that bank. If address
is specified then it is loaded to the address. Valid banks are 0-49.
If the bank does not exist, Blitz will reserve a bank for you.
If the bank does exist, Blitz will erase the bank from memory, and
allocate a new one.
The return result is -1 for success, or 0 for failure (not enough RAM,
file not exist). If offset is specified, then <length> bytes will be
read from the specified offset position in the file.
Function: PLoad
Mode : Amiga
Syntax : success=PLoad(filename$,bank/address)
This will attempt to load the executable file to the specified address.
-1 is success, 0 is failure.
Function: BSave
Mode : Amiga
Syntax : success=BSave(filename$,bank/address,length)
This will save <length> bytes at bank/address to the file. Return result
is -1 for success, 0 for failure. If length > bank length then the
length of the bank is saved instead. If 0 is specified, the entire bank
is saved.
Function: Start
Mode : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax : start_address.l=Start(banknumber.b)
This will return the start address of the specified bank. (0=no bank)
Function: Length
Mode : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax : length_of_bank.l=Length(banknumber.b)
This will return the length of the specified bank in bytes. (0=No bank)
Function: MemFree
Mode : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax : bytes.l=MemFree
This will return the total amount of Public Free RAM available to the
Function: NextBank
Mode : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax : bank.b=NextBank
This will return the number of the first available bank (-1 if none
Statement: FillMem
Mode : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax : FillMem(address.l,length.l,value.b)
This will fill 'length' bytes starting from the specified address with
Statement: CopyByte
Mode : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax : CopyByte(source.l,dest.l,num.l)
This will copy <num> bytes from <source> to <dest>
Statement: CopyWord
Mode : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax : CopyByte(source.l,dest.l,num.l)
This will copy <num> words from <source> to <dest>
Statement: CopyLong
Mode : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax : CopyByte(source.l,dest.l,num.l)
This will copy <num> longwords from <source> to <dest>
Function: MakeDir
Mode : Amiga
Syntax : success=MakeDir(name$)
This function attempts to create a directory called <name$>
If it is unsuccessfull, 0 is returned else -1 is returned.
Function: Rename
Mode : Amiga
Syntax : success=Rename(source$,dest$)
This attempts to rename the file <source$> to <dest$>
NOTE: It is not possible to rename across devices. -1 is returned if
successfull, else 0.
Function: Timer
Mode : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax : t.l=Timer
This will return the number of 50ths of a second since startup.
Function: Lisa
Mode : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax : chipver=Lisa
This will return the current Lisa chip version :
$00 for OCS Denise
$F7 for ECS Denise
$F8 for AGA Lisa
Statement: Reboot
Mode : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax : Reboot
This will perform a cold reboot
Function: FileSize
Mode : Amiga
Syntax : size.l=FileSize(filename$)
This return the length (in bytes) of the file.
Statement: CacheOff
Mode : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax : Cache Off
This will turn off the instruction cache of the CPU.
Function: XOR
Mode : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax : x.l=XOR(x.l,y.l)
This will perform an Exclusive-Or operation between X and Y and put the
result back into X
Will place %001 into X (%101 XOR %100 = %001)
Function: Max/Min
Mode : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax : value=Max(first_var,second_var)
This will compare both values and return either the Higher of the values
(Max) or the Lower (Min). This currently supports INTEGERs only.
Function: KeyCode
Mode : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax : keycode=KeyCode
This will return the status of the keyboard in the form of a keycode.
You will need to experiment to find out the desired keycode for
a particular key.
This merely peeks address $bfec01 and returns the value found.
Reflective Images Effects Library
By Stephen McNamara, with help from Steve Matty
(c)1994 Reflective Images
Note: The library has had a lot of the commands inside it expanded so
that they work on any size bitmap. At the moment the following, though,
will only work on lorez bitmaps: ZoomX8, Derez and ZoomXY
None of the commands in this library use the blitter chip, any blitter
source code that anybody has please send to me.
Here are all the FX commands:
Command list:
No instructions for the planar<>chunky commands since their not really
that useful at the moment. If anybody has some working code thats good
No instructions for the planar<>chunky commands since their not really
that useful at the moment. What I'm going to try and do is put some
faster conversion routines in this library to do the jobs of these
Statement: FadeInBitmap
Modes : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax: FadeInBitmap source#,dest#,delay[,offset1,offset2,height]
This is used to make a low rez, any height, bitmap appear on another
one in a nice way. Source# and dest# should be bitmap object numbers
and delay is the 'slow-down' value for the fade. This is necessary
because this routine works very fast - at full speed it looks just like
a slow screen copy. You should note that the delay is taken as being a
word, thus don't pass 0 or you'll actually get a delay of 65535. This
routine will adjust itself to take into account the depth of the bitmap,
WARNING: the depth of the destination bitmap should be AT LEAST as big
as the depth of the source# bitmap because the depth of the fade is
taken from the source# bitmap.
The optional parameters in this command allow you to set respectively:
the source bitmap y offset, the destination bitmap y offset and the
height of the fade (in pixels). If these parameters are left out then
the fade automatically occurs across the full size of the bitmap.
Statement: ClearBitmap
Modes : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax: ClearBitmap source#,delay[,offset,height]
This is used to clear a low res, any height, bitmap in a very pleasant
way. The parameters are the same as for FadeInBitmap except that
only one bitmap is needed. The delay parameter i used for the same
reason as in FadeInBitmap - to slow down the effect. The optional
parameters allow you to set a y start value for the clear and the
height (in pixels) of the clear.
Statement: ZoomX2
Modes : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax: ZoomX2 source#,dest#,add_source,add_dest,width,height
This command does a very fast X2 zoom. It works with two bitmaps - one
source and one dest (note: these can be the same bitmap but you should
be careful that the zoom is not done over the source data). The two
parameters add_source and add_dest allow you to specify the position of
the start of the zoom, they specified as byte offsets from the top left
corner of the bitmaps (byte 0). These values can be calculated by the
following method:
add_source=(Y x BITMAP_WIDTH (in bytes) + (X / 8)
or by using the built in command ADDValue. Width and height are both
specified in pixels.
NOTE: There is no clipping on this command - be careful not to zoom off
the edges of bitmaps. you can zoom from a bitmap to a different
size bitmap BUT the destination bitmap must be as deep as the
source and big enough to hold the zoomed data.
Statement: ZoomX4
Modes : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax: ZoomX4 source#,dest#,add_source,add_dest,width,height
This is exactly the same as ZoomX2 except that a times 4 zoom is done
by this command.
Note: You can zoom from a bitmap to a different size bitmap BUT the
destination bitmap must be as deep as the source and big enough
to hold the zoomed data.
Statement: ZoomX8
Modes : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax: ZoomX8 source#,dest#,add_source,add_dest,width,height
This is exactly the same as ZoomX2 except that a times 8 zoom is done
by this command
Function: ADDValue
Modes : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax: addval.w=ADDValue(bitmap#,x,y)
This function can be used the calculate the add_source and add_dest
values used in all the zoom commands. Just give the bitmap number, x
co-ordinate and the y co-ordinate and you'll get an answer back that can
be used straight in the ZoomXn commands.
Statement: InitZoomXY
Modes : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax: InitZoomXY source#,dest#,add_source,add_dest
This command initialises the ZoomXY routine to the bitmaps you want it
to work on. You MUST use this routine before calling ZoomXY. The
parameters are the same as the first four parameter for the ZoomXn
commands - source and dest bitmaps and add_source/dest values.
Statement: ZoomXY
Modes : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax: ZoomXY xzoom_value,yzoom_value,height
This command does a zoom based on the values you give it. You should
note, though, that zoom values should be integer values (no fractional
part). The height is the height in pixels that the source data should
be zomed to. Please note that this command is different to the other
zoom commands in that the output of it is clipped to fit inside 320
This command should only be used after InitZoomXY has been called.
This routine has an extra feature in that if you give both zoom values
as 1 then a bitmap copy is done from the source to the dest using the
offsets given and the height.
Statement: Derez
Modes : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax: Derez source#,dest#,add_source,add_dest,derez_value,height
This command is used to derez a low resolution bitmap onto another one.
The bitmaps are source# and dest#, add_source and add_dest are used to
control the start position of the derez (see ZoomX2 and ADDValue to see
how these are calculated). The derez value if obviously the amount that
each pixel will be derezed to in both the x and y directions, the height
is the height of the derez - the derez is clipped to fit inside this in
the y direction and inside 320 pixels in the x direction.
This routine has an extra feature in that if you give derez_value as 1
then a bitmap copy is done from the source to the dest using the offsets
given and the height.
Statement: ReduceX2
Modes : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax: ReduceX2 source#,dest#,add_source,add_dest,width,height
This command halves the given rectangle of one bitmap and pastes it onto
the destination bitmap. Width should be a multiple of 16, width and
height should describe a rectangular area that will be reduced (these
values should be in pixels).
See ZOOMX2 and other commands for more information about the
syntax of this command.
Reflective Images Zone-Joystick Library v1.2
By Stephen McNamara, original Joy Library by Steve Matty
(c)1994 Reflective Images
This library contains commands for setting up zones and testing the status
of the joysticks attached to the Amiga.
Zone-Joy commands:
Command list:
Function: ZoneTableSize
Modes : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax : size.l=ZoneTableSize
This function returns the size, in zones, of the current zonetable. It
is equivalent of doing: size.l=peek.l(ZoneTable).
Statement/Function: UseZoneTable
Modes : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax : UseZoneTable table#
This command is used to change the current zonetable to the selected
one. If used as a function, it will return TRUE for success or FALSE
for failure.
Valid zonetable numbers range from 0 to 15.
Statement/Function: NewZoneTable
Modes : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax : NewZoneTable table#,size
This command will attempt to allocate a new zonetable with the given
table number. If the table already exists it will be deleted. The
maximum size for a zonetable is 65536 zones. If used as a function, this
command will return FALSE for failure or TRUE for success. You should
note that all zones are automatically reset in the new table and that
creating a table does not make it the current table, this must be done
with UseZoneTable.
Valid zonetable numbers range from 0 to 15.
IMPORTANT NOTE: you cannot define the size of zonetable 0. You cannot
use this command to alter it in any way.
Statement/Function: FreeZoneTable
Modes : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax : FreeZoneTable table#
This command is used to free a zonetable from memory. If used as a
function, it will return TRUE or FALSE. When successfully called, this
command will free the zonetable and change the currently used zonetable
to table number 0.
Valid zonetable numbers range from 0 to 15.
IMPORTANT NOTE: you cannot free zone table 0.
Function: ZoneTable
Modes : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax : ad.l=ZoneTable
This function returns the address in memory of the zone information
storage area for the current zonetable. The zones are stored one after
the other, with each zone taking up 8 words (16 bytes) in the data area,
making a total size of 2048 bytes. They are stored in the following
Rectangular: +0: x1
+2: y1
+4: x2
+6: y2
Circular: +0: x1
+2: y1
+4: radius of zone
+6: -1 <-- this is set to show that the
zone is circular.
Undefined zone: +0: -1
+2: -1
+4: -1
+6: -1
The first longword (4 bytes) of the zonetable is used to hold the size,
in zones, of the table (thus the true size of the zonetable is 4+number
of zones*8).
Statement: ZoneInit
Modes : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax : ZoneInit [zone_num]|[start_zone,end_zone]
This command is used to clear any zones currently set. The optional
parameters allow you to select either a single zone or a range of zones
to reset.
Statement: Setzone
Modes : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax : Setzone zone#,x1,y1,radius
Setzone zone#,x1,y1,x2,y2
This command lets you set up zones for testing. The first version is
used when you want to set up a circular zone and the second when you
want a rectangular one. With rectangular zones, x1,y1 should be the top
left corner of the rectangle and x2,y2 should be the bottom left.
Note: The max zone number is 255.
When you use this command, the zone number you give is ANDed with
256 so you should ensure that you give a number lower than 256 so
that previously defined zones don't get corrupted.
Zones can be defined in any order.
Circular zones are used in exactly the same way as rectangular
Function: Zone
Modes : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax : a.w=Zone(x,y)
This command takes the co-ordinates x,y and checks to see if they are
inside any of the defined zones. The zones are searched in order,
starting at 0 and going through to 255. This command will return the
first zone that the co-ordinates were found to be inside, you should
note that both types of zones are tested (rectangular and circular).
This command returns either -1 for not inside a zone or the zone number.
Function: ZoneTest
Modes : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax : a.w=ZoneTest(start_num[,end_num],x,y)
This command is the same as the Zone command except that it allows you
to select either one individual zone to test or a range of zones. You
should, though, ensure that end_num if greater than start_num.
This command returns either -1 for not inside a zone or the zone number.
Function: ZoneTable
Modes : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax : ad.l=ZoneTable
This function returns the address in memory of the zone information
storage area. The zones are stored one after the other, with each zone
taking up 8 words (16 bytes) in the data area, making a total size of
2048 bytes. They are stored in the following way:
Rectangular: +0: x1
+2: y1
+4: x2
+6: y2
Circular: +0: x1
+2: y1
+4: radius of zone
+6: -1 <-- this is set to show that the
zone is circular.
Undefined zone: +0: -1
+2: -1
+4: -1
+6: -1
Function: JFire
Modes : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax : jf.b=JFire(joy#)
This command tests the fire button status of the joystick joy#, where
joy# is between 1 and 4. You should note that, as with all the joystick
commmands, joy#=1 refers to the Amiga's joystick port, joy#=2 refers to
the mouse port, and joy#=3 or joy#=4 refer to the four player adapter
This command returns 0 for fire button not pressed or -1 for pressed
Function: JHoriz
Modes : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax : jh.b=JHoriz(joy#)
This command is used to test the horizontal direction of the selected
joystick. It returns:
0: No horizontal direction
-1: Joystick left
1: Joystick right
Function: JVert
Modes : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax : jv.b=JVert(joy#)
This command is used to test the vertical direction of the selected
joystick. It returns:
0: No vertical direction
-1: Joystick up
1: Joystick down
Function: AllFire
Modes : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax : af.b=AllFire [(bit_pattern)]
This command is used to test the fire button status of all four
joysticks. It returns a byte with the first four bits giving the
joystick status, false=fire button not pressed, true=fire button
pressed. The following bits belong to joysticks:
bit 0: joystick 1 (joystick port)
bit 1: joystick 2 (mouse port)
bit 2: joystick 3 (four player adaptor)
bit 3: joystick 4 (four player adaptor)
The optional bit pattern can be used to restrict the testing of the fire
buttons. If a bit in the pattern is clear (false) then the joystick it
belongs to will not have its fire button tested,
e.g. AllFire (%0011) will test joysticks 1 and 2 and return the
result. It will return false for joysticks 3 and 4.
Library: neilsciatrackerlib #56
Author: Neil O'Rourke, 6 Victoria St, TAMWORTH, NSW 2340, AUSTRALIA
Many thanks to Neil, from what I have seen on the net there are already
many BlitzUsers using this library to great success. I'm trying to fit the
example code on the disk as I type...
The CIA Tracker commands:
Quite a number of these commands extract their data from the playroutine in
real time; that is, around fifty times a second (depending upon the tempo).
Therefore, the value your program receives could well be very different
from what is actually happening in the song.
By installing this software on your system, you are agreeing that I have no
liability as to the outcome of such use. If, for example, you use a
command as documented and a floppy disk is ejected from your disk drive
with such force that it severs your head from your neck, tough. Next time,
Author's Documentation: CIATracker.lib Documentation
Neil O'Rourke
Version 1.6 (24/6/94)
The standard soundtracker replay routines supplied with Blitz Basic 2 have
many faults, which this library attempts to overcome. Some of the features
- Plays all ST/NT/PT songs that utilise either the VBLANK timing or the
more recent CIA based timings
- Plays back correctly on 50/60Hz systems, running either PAL or NTSC
- Contains more specialised functions for advanced programmers
- Enables the programmer to syncronise graphics with their music
Original ProTracker playroutine by Amiga Freelancers, converted and
enhanced for Blitz by Neil O'Rourke. Naggings from Roy, Jeff and Richard.
The 1.6 upgrade
This is a maintenance upgrade, with some subtle (and not so subtle) bugs
fixed or noted.
LoadTrackerModule no longer crashes the machine if the name was invalid.
SetTrackerMask has been removed for the moment (this was causing the
TrackerEvent system to foul up)
WaitTrackerEvent has a nasty tendancy to lock the machine up. Don't call
this command, use While NOT CheckTrackerEvent:Wend to wait for an event if
you must. WaitTrackerEvent currently sits on the VBLANK interrupt, however
I think the problem is due to the sheer bulk of ciaTrackerLib getting in
the way of checking. I think.
GetTrackerNoteNumber was found to be chewing up CPU time, and has been
replaced by a new version that chews up 2K of ram extra.
I've found that if you have run errors enabled to bring up the requester,
your module won't start sometimes. Don't know what to do about this, as I
don't know what causes it.
Quick Usage:
First you must set the DMAWait time with the SetDMAWait command. Then,
enable all the channels with SetTrackerMask. Load the module you want with
the LoadTrackerModule command, and then either StartTrackerModule it, or
InitTracker/RestartTracker later on.
Function: LoadTrackerModule
Syntax : success=LoadTrackerModule(TrackerModule#,FileName$)
Loads the named module into chip ram, ready for playing. This command can
only be called in Amiga mode. success is a boolean return code (true).
If the load fails for any reason, success returns the AmigaDOS error code.
Note that there is an implicit call to FreeTrackerModule for whatever
module you are trying to load. However, if you want to load another
module, don't try to load it on top of the existing one that is playing.
Use another TrackerModule# (you have from 0 to 8). The results are
unpredictable, and range from nothing to a system crash. We can't call
StopTracker, because this will stop everything.
Function: StartTracker
Syntax : success=StartTracker(TrackerModule#)
Starts to play the requested module, stopping any modules already playing,
or restarts the current module, and returns true. Returns false if the
module couldn't be started for some reason (like it isn't loaded).
Statement: StopTracker
Stops the current module
Statement: SetDMAWait
Syntax : SetDMAWait value
This sets the DMA Wait for your machine. On a standard 7.14MHz 68000
based machine, the value is the default (300). However, faster machines
can cause the replay routine to skip notes. On a 25MHz 68030 machine, the
suggested value is 900. Set this as low as possible so that you still
hear all the notes. A future upgrade *may* do this automatically, but I
have no intention of implementing it at this stage, as I don't know what
DMAWait to set for different speed processors and version motherboards.
DMA wait is important. Technically, when the replay routine loads the
chip registers with the information about the current note (location,
volume, pitch), a delay is needed to ensure that the chips actually get
the data, which happens on the next DMA slot. Since the CPU can be
clocked independantly of the motherboard, we can't just delay by a set
amount. How this problem has been solved is a busy wait that simply
loops around the number of times as specified by the DMAWait value.
A low value therefore lessens the load on the CPU but increases the
chances of missing notes while playing a song. Too high a value can bog
the CPU down, and slow the song down as interrupts are missed.
Statement: FreeTrackerModule
Syntax : FreeTrackerModule TrackerModule#
This frees a module loaded with LoadTrackerModule. You cannot free a
module that has been set up with SetTrackerModule (see below), but there
is nothing to stop you trying.
Statement: SetTrackerModule
Syntax : SetTrackerModule TrackerModule#,ModuleAddress
This sets an arbitary area of memory as a tracker module, useful if you
have BLoaded a file and want to hear if it is a module. Caution: a
non-module may crash the Amiga.
Functions: GetTrackerSize & GetTrackerLocation
Syntax : trackerlength=GetTrackerSize(TrackerModule#)
GetTrackerLocation (TrackerModule#)
Both these functions return information about the module that has been
loaded with LoadTrackerModule. There should be no need to use this
information, and these commands are only included because they served a
purpose in debugging a long time ago, and to remove them would cause
problems with the Blitz tokens
Function: GetTrackerEvent
Syntax : trackerevent=GetTrackerEvent
This command is a customised extension to the ProTracker replay routine.
A "TrackerEvent" occurs when the replay routine comes across a $8xx
command. This command is not defined in the command list, and many demos
(eg Jesus on E's) use it to trigger effects. This command gets the most
recent TrackerEvent, so any program looking at this will have to compare
the current value to the value that triggered the current effect.
Function: CheckTrackerEvent
Syntax : success=CheckTrackerEvent
This routine checks to see if a TrackerEvent has occured since the last
time the routine was called, and returns True if it has. Use
GetTrackerEvent to determine what data the $8xx command had.
Statement: WaitTrackerEvent
Function: CheckTrackerModuleID
Syntax : success=CheckTrackerModuleID(TrackerModule#)
This checks the module for the standard Pro/Noise/SoundTracker ID string
"M.K." (or "M!K!" in the case of a 100 pattern PT module), and returns
True if one of them is found. This means that you can safely call
Note that there is no 100% guarenteed way of determining what is a module
and what isn't. Bit Arts, for example, remove the M.K. identifier to make
it harder to rip modules, so if you're writing a module ripping program,
you have to take this result with a grain of salt.
Function: GetTrackerVolume
Syntax : volume=GetTrackerVolume(TrackerChannel#)
Returns the last volume set by a $Cxx command for the named channel, which
are numbered from 0 to 3. This is not the "real" volume of the sample that
is currently playing.
Function: GetTrackerNote
Syntax : note=GetTrackerNote(TrackerChannel#)
Returns the note that the play routine has just played in the named
channel. This command is really only useful for graphic bars or simple
syncronisation of graphics to the music, but for that purpose the
TrackerEvent commands are far more flexable. Note that the value returned
is the period of the note. You have to look up the note in a period table
to find out what was actually being played.
Statement: SetTrackerTempo
Syntax : SetTrackerTempo Tempo
Sets the tempo of the current song. Note that a tempo command ($Fxx) will
override any value set by this command. This command is really a stub to
the actual $Fxx command in the playroutine, and has all the features
associated with it. Check your tracker docs for more details.
Function: GetTrackerInstrument
Syntax : instrument=GetTrackerInstrument(TrackerChannel#)
Gets the instrument that is playing in the channel.
Function: GetPatternPosition
Syntax : PatPos=GetPatternPosition
This returns the current position in the current pattern.
Function: GetSongPosition
Syntax : SongPos=GetSongPosition
This returns the current pattern that is playing in the song
Statement: SetSongPatternPosition
Syntax : SetSongPatternPosition Pattern#,Position#
This command sets what pattern to play, and from what position. Use this
while a song is playing to jump to another pattern (eg. a game over
music). Call StartTrackerPatPos() to start a module from scratch.
Function: GetSongLength
Syntax : NumPatterns=GetSongLength
Returns the number of patterns in the current module. Useful for displays
like in IntuiTracker, where the title bar of the window gives a display
that can be done like:
NPrint GetSongLength,":",GetSongPosition
Statement: SetTrackerMask
Syntax : SetTrackerMask Mask
** REMOVED IN V1.6 **
Function: OldGetTrackerNoteNumber
Syntax : notenumber=OldGetTrackerNoteNumber(Channel#)
This returns the number of the note played on the specified channel, with
C-1 being note 1. Of use really in creating "equalizer bars".
V1.6: This command has turned out to be a CPU-hog! The new implementation
will consume a lot of memory but will be much faster. When you load your
old programs, GetTracker... will be replaced by OldGetTracker..., so your
code will continue to work.
Function: StartTrackerPatPos
Syntax : ret.l=StartTrackerPatPos(TrackerModule#,Pattern#,Position#)
This starts the named module at the requested pattern and position. In
all other respects it is the same as StartTracker.
Statements: PauseTracker & RestartTracker
These commands allow you to stop a tracker module are restart it at a later
Statement: PlayTrackerSample
Syntax : PlayTrackerSample Sample#,Period,Volume,Channel
Plays a sample through the channel. The module must not be running.
Statement: InitTracker
Syntax : success=InitTracker(TrackerModule#)
Identical to StartTracker, except that the module doesn't start, but is
initialised. Of use with the commands that use the current tracker
module. Use ReStartTracker to start playing.
Function: GetSampleLocation
Syntax : location=GetSampleLocation(Sample#)
Returns the address in memory of the named sample in the current module.
Function: GetSampleLength
Syntax : length=GetSampleLength(Sample#)
Returns the length in words of the named sample in the current module.
Multiply by two to get the byte length.
Function: GetSampleName
Syntax : name$=GetSampleName(Sample#)
Returns the name of the sample in name$.
Function: GetTrackerName
Syntax : name$=GetTrackerName(TrackerModule#)
Returns the name of the module in name$
Statement: BuildNoteTable
This command builds a note table for use with GetTrackerNoteNumber. It
consumes 2K of memory for the look-up table.
Function: GetTrackerNoteNumber
Syntax : notenumber=GetTrackerNoteNumber(Channel#)
This returns the number of the note played on the specified channel, with
C-1 being note 1. Of use really in creating "equalizer bars".
For speed purposes, no error checking (like, has the note table been
built?) is done.
There's not much to tell about the Elmore library, it's GREAT!
Library name: ELMORELIB
Written by: Richard T. Elmore
Copyright: 1994 HeadSoft Software
Library number: 111
These functions will return the base address of their
respective libraries, for advanced system programming. Note that
register A6 will also be loaded with this address, to make programming
a bit easier for assembly routines.
Statement: QUIET
Syntax: Quiet ChannelMask
Modes: Amiga or Blitz
This command will silence the sound channels specified by ChannelMask.
See the description for "Envelope" for more information on channelmasks.
Statement: FREQ
Syntax: Freq Channelmask,period
Modes: Amiga or Blitz
This command allows you to change the period, or pitch, of the currently
playing sound effect. Note that the lower the period, the higher the
frequency; Thus, a period of 100 would be very high-pitched, whereas a
period of 30000 would be low-pitched.
Function: TICKS
Syntax: Ticks
Modes: Amiga or Blitz
This function returns the number of "ticks" since the Amiga was switched
on, or since the last "RESETTIMER" command. The unit of measurement is
1/60 of a second for NTSC machines, and 1/50 of a second for PAL